Unlock Your Potential!
Welcome to Thrive Skills, the premier destination for learning ‘people-centred’ skills and achieving recognised qualifications along the way!

Social care
Residential childcare
Early years

Education and training

Beauty and leisure

Leadership and management

Digital skills
How Far Can you Go?
Thrive offers both traditional classroom based programmes and online live tutor led programmes accessible from anywhere in England.
Through its sister-company, SanctuaryCPD, it is also able to offer an exciting and current range of CPD programmes across all core sectors.
Whether you’re a Beginner or an Experienced Professional, our Courses are Designed to Equip you with the Knowledge and Practical Skills you need to make those Essential Forward Steps.
Don’t waste a single day more!

The UK, (as is the case with most of Europe), is experiencing an increasingly aging population; which exacerbates the challenges of supporting people to live fulfilling lives whilst managing complex conditions and increasing fragility. Dignity at all times for those enduring disability and age-related c conditions is the minimum society should expect, and in order to deliver on that expectation, the UK needs to deliver a well staffed, trained and provisioned social care sector…
Thrive Skills intends to contribute to this in 2023/24 through the delivery of the following programmes:
- Care Certificate and Induction Training
- Level 2 Diploma in Social Care
- Level 3 Diploma in Social Care
- Level 4 Diploma in Social Care
- Level 5 Diploma In Leadership For Health And Social Care And Children And Young People’s Services
- Access to HE - Nursing
Children and Young People Many people struggle to raise the families needed to provide a prosperous future for the UK and to work themselves at the same time, particularly where wages are not keeping pace with inflation. If we are to help people, and in particular mothers to return to work, we need to ensure that childcare provision is available and affordable.
To that end in 2023/24 we will deliver:
Level 3 Diploma in Childcare Society needs to maximise the impact of its young people, which in many cases means that young people need support to provide a healthy platform within which to ;earn and grow. Having a wealth of well trained support workers, particularly in residential care environment is key to unlocking the potential in young people and enabling them to join the world of work and to craft a life for themselves.
Thrives 2023/24 Programme will include: Level 3 Diploma in Children and Young Peoples Workforce Level 5 Diploma In Leadership For Health And Social Care And Children And Young People’s Services Across all programmes we will be offering knowledge and skills development and qualifications in Digital Skills. If you’d like further information on our programmes and funding, please click learn more.

The UK, (as is the case with most of Europe), is experiencing an increasingly aging population; which exacerbates the challenges of supporting people to live fulfilling lives whilst managing complex conditions and increasing fragility. Dignity at all times for those enduring disability and age-related c conditions is the minimum society should expect, and in order to deliver on that expectation, the UK needs to deliver a well staffed, trained and provisioned social care sector…
Thrive Skills intends to contribute to this in 2023/24 through the delivery of the following programmes:
- Care Certificate and Induction Training
- Level 2 Diploma in Social Care
- Level 3 Diploma in Social Care
- Level 4 Diploma in Social Care
- Level 5 Diploma In Leadership For Health And Social Care And Children And Young People’s Services
- Access to HE - Nursing
Children and Young People Many people struggle to raise the families needed to provide a prosperous future for the UK and to work themselves at the same time, particularly where wages are not keeping pace with inflation. If we are to help people, and in particular mothers to return to work, we need to ensure that childcare provision is available and affordable.
To that end in 2023/24 we will deliver:
Level 3 Diploma in Childcare Society needs to maximise the impact of its young people, which in many cases means that young people need support to provide a healthy platform within which to ;earn and grow. Having a wealth of well trained support workers, particularly in residential care environment is key to unlocking the potential in young people and enabling them to join the world of work and to craft a life for themselves.
Thrives 2023/24 Programme will include: Level 3 Diploma in Children and Young Peoples Workforce Level 5 Diploma In Leadership For Health And Social Care And Children And Young People’s Services Across all programmes we will be offering knowledge and skills development and qualifications in Digital Skills. If you’d like further information on our programmes and funding, please click learn more.